Himalayan Balsam Removal & Control

Himalayan Balsam Removal & Control

Himalayan Balsam was introduced as an ornamental species; however it has become one of the UK’s most problematic and invasive weeds.

About Himalayan Balsam

Himalayan Balsam is an invasive weed introduced to the UK in 1839. Its introduction was to give aesthetic appeal but since its introduction in the 19th century it has become one of the most persistent and insidious weeds.

Himalayan Balsam is found all across Sussex, Kent and Surrey.

How do I know if I have a problem with Himalayan Balsam?

Himalayan Balsam grows rapidly, spreads easily, out-competes other vegetation and readily colonises new areas. Himalayan Balsam is relatively shade tolerant. When the plants die down in winter they leave large bare areas that are sensitive to erosion.

The Characteristics of Himalayan Balsam – Impatiens glandulifera

  • It is the tallest annual weed in the UK
  • It has a purple-pink flower
  • Each plant produces up to 800 seeds which spread easily and can be viable for 2 years
  • Seed pods explode when touched or shaken and can spread seeds over 7 metres

Why is Himalayan Balsam a problem?

Like most invasive weeds, the main threat caused by Himalayan Balsam is the destruction of our native species of plants and wildlife.

Himalayan Balsam’s entire seed population germinates simultaneously which produces a very dense stand of plants. This causes the rapid and repeated growth of Himalayan Balsam.  It is an aggressive species which ultimately prevails over other native ones, homogenising the environment and damaging biodiversity.

How can I get rid of and control Himalayan Balsam?

Controlling and removing Himalayan Balsam should be undertaken by a skilled and trained professional.

Japanese Knotweed Sussex has 10 years’ experience controlling and removing Himalayan Balsam.  We can provide a free site survey and analysis to recommend the best method of weed management.

Here are the methods used to remove a Himalayan Balsam problem.

  • Knapsack spraying
  • Foliage Spraying
  • Stem Injection

Invasive, injurious and aggressive weeds we manage:

  • Japanese Knotweed
  • Rhododendron
  • Ragwort
  • Himalayan Balsalm
  • Brambles & Nettles

Where we carry out invasive weed management:

  • East Sussex
  • West Sussex
  • Kent
  • Surrey

Arrange a free site survey now

  • Call 07791915502 or 01273 499029
  • or email japaneseknotweedsussex.co.uk